RapheGenerics NRT Active Extraction process from Bacco Plant.
The new path to healthy living is with NRT Active lozenges with Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, amino acids, Vitamins, and Minerals to help overcome weight gain from smoking cessation. We create wellness, not just smoking cessation; our goal is to get consumers out of smoking or to smoke healthily. Our formulas combine amino acids, minerals, and vitamins to help boost better health, rebalance the brain's addiction center, and promote well-being.
We create NRT for chewing gums, lozenges, and pouches made with purified NRT Active, retaining its full natural flavor and pleasure without the toxins. We create these in low volumes for brands interested in patenting. Amwiner rapheGenerics is the company to contact for low-volume NRT Active for quit-smoking aid products. We are not a bacco company, and the quantity produced is not for commercial distribution